Name / Congressional Ratings
Title / 118TH Congress First Session
The Center for Legislative Accountability (CLA), an initiative of the CPAC Foundation, works to promote government transparency while carrying on the over 50-year mission of holding lawmakers accountable through the publishing of their voting records.
RC 209
Reauthorizing an Act that Further Involves the US in the Housing Market.
2023 - US Senate
Vote Description
The Brian Schatz amendment to S. 2226 reauthorizes the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act. The first few sections of the NAHASDA create a single block grant program that can be used by Native Americans in order to obtain housing assistance. The last Title of the NAHASDA, the likes of which was inserted in 2000 after the initial creation of the bill, authorizes the additional existence of a Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant Program. This program, the likes of which excludes non-indigenous Hawaiians from its benefits, violates the Equal Protection Clause of the US Constitution and is constitutionally dubious. CPAC opposes this breach of constitutionality and opposed this amendment. The Senate passed this amendment on July 27, 2023 by a vote of 86-11. U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 118th Congress - 1st Session