What will the first 100 days of the second Trump administration look like? Andrew Langer joins Mercedes Schlapp to discuss his recommendations for regulatory freedom.
The Biden administration expanded the regulatory state to historical heights, even surpassing the Obama administration and burdening small businesses, crippling the American energy industry, and hurting the job market. The Trump administration has a lot of work to do, especially after the last minute executive order banning offshore drilling.
“According to this law, there are some folks who are saying, ‘Well no, no, it’s not just that simple. Donald Trump can’t just come in there and undo it with a stroke of a pen,’” said Langer. However, “I think he should try. I think he should go down the road of put the burden on the other side to demonstrate why they can’t do what they want to do by executive order.”
Listen to all of Langer’s suggestions for reducing the cost and burden of federal regulations on the American people on CPAC+.