It’s no secret that human trafficking has emerged as the fastest growing threat to public safety in America. But just how big of a problem has this become? To paint a picture, more than 1,000 kids have been reported missing in the state of Ohio in the last year alone. So, there’s little surprise that both conservatives and liberals believe trafficking is a crisis in America.

Yet the Biden Administration has done little to solve the problem and worse yet has exacerbated it by allowing the open flow of trafficking across our southern border. Tim Ballard, the subject of the hit movie Sound of Freedom, has been on the front lines of the fight to save children and told the House Homeland Security Committee last week that these open borders are “feeding the growth” of child slavery in America. At the Center for Combatting Human Trafficking, we are working daily to hold Biden accountable for leaving our country vulnerable to invasion from cartels and ensuring we take steps to remove these criminal traffickers from harming this nation’s most important asset: our children.