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Writer's pictureAndrew Langer

Coalition Against Socialized Medicine: Standing Firm Against Government Price Controls in Healthcare

The Coalition Against Socialized Medicine (CASM) has recently sent two strong messages to Congress, emphasizing the dangers of government intervention in drug pricing. These letters, addressed to key members of the Senate, highlight the coalition’s deep concerns about the impact of policies like the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and other price-setting measures on healthcare innovation, patient outcomes, and the broader economy.

Here’s an overview of CASM’s stance and the urgent need for lawmakers to reject socialist-style price controls in healthcare.

1. The Dangers of Price Controls on Pharmaceuticals

CASM’s recent letter to Senator Bill Cassidy, ranking member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), directly addresses the potential harms of imposing price controls on drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy. The letter criticizes the push for federally mandated pricing, describing it as a threat to the innovation that drives the pharmaceutical industry. According to CASM, price controls cut into the revenue streams that fund research and development (R&D), making it less feasible for companies to invest in new treatments.

  • Impact on Innovation: The letter underscores that innovation in drug development is costly and time-consuming. Revenues from current products are often reinvested into developing new drugs. By imposing price controls, the government not only cuts profits but also diminishes the incentives for companies to take on the high risks associated with drug R&D.

  • Evidence of Harm: CASM cites the effects of the IRA’s Medicare Drug Price “Negotiation” program, which they argue is already stifling innovation. Since the law’s passage, 36 research programs and 21 drugs have been discontinued as companies face the untenable financial pressures of government price-setting. Leading pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Eli Lilly, and Bristol Myers Squibb have been forced to scale back critical research efforts.

  • A Call to Reject Socialism: The letter emphasizes that price controls are not just bad economics; they represent a broader ideological shift toward socialism that threatens America’s free-market principles. CASM urges lawmakers to resist these controls, highlighting that while capped prices might appear beneficial in the short term, the long-term consequences include reduced access to new treatments and worse health outcomes for patients.

2. The Inflation Reduction Act: A Threat to Seniors and Innovation

CASM’s letter to Senator Mike Crapo, ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, takes aim at the IRA, which CASM sees as a fundamental betrayal of America’s healthcare system and free-market values. The letter criticizes the IRA’s healthcare provisions, particularly its so-called Medicare Drug Price “Negotiation” program, as deceitful and harmful to seniors and working families.

  • Marxist-Style Price Controls: CASM describes the IRA’s price negotiation as “two lies for the price of one,” arguing that it is neither a genuine negotiation nor conducted in good faith. Instead, drug manufacturers are forced to accept government-set prices under the threat of punitive excise taxes, a tactic CASM likens to the coercive practices of totalitarian regimes.

  • Misuse of Medicare Funds: CASM also highlights the IRA’s diversion of $260 billion from Medicare to fund unrelated liberal priorities, such as electric vehicle subsidies and insurance industry giveaways. This misallocation of resources, according to CASM, betrays America’s seniors, who are now facing higher premiums and reduced access to healthcare plans.

  • Cronyism and Corruption: The letter further criticizes the alliance between major insurers, pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), and political actors, which CASM argues has distorted the healthcare market to the detriment of patients. CASM calls out this “backward Robin Hood” approach, where funds meant for seniors are funneled to enrich large corporations, ultimately raising costs for beneficiaries.

3. A Call to Action for Lawmakers

CASM’s letters serve as a clarion call to Congress to resist government overreach in healthcare. The coalition implores lawmakers to recognize the real-world impacts of policies like the IRA, which stifle innovation, harm patient access, and undermine the core principles of a free-market economy.

  • Highlight the True Impact: CASM urges Senators to use their upcoming hearings to expose the detrimental effects of price controls on patients, seniors, and taxpayers. The coalition warns that while these policies may seem to offer quick fixes, they are, in fact, driving up costs, reducing choices, and limiting future medical advancements.

  • Protect Free-Market Healthcare: Ultimately, CASM’s position is clear: government-imposed price controls represent a step toward socialism that America cannot afford. By standing against these policies, lawmakers have the opportunity to safeguard the innovation and competition that have long been the hallmarks of American healthcare.


The Coalition Against Socialized Medicine is unwavering in its commitment to protect free-market healthcare solutions. Through their recent letters to Congress, CASM has made a compelling case against the IRA and other price-setting policies, warning of the dangers they pose to innovation, patient care, and economic freedom. It is now up to lawmakers to heed this call and reject socialist-style interventions in America’s healthcare system.


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