CPAC is proud to host a red carpet screening of the new film, Average Joe, on October 8 in Mesa, Arizona.
In August of this year, CPAC hosted the debut of another powerful film, God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust. Now, we are proud to host a special screening for the newest film from the makers behind God’s Not Dead, Average Joe.
Based on the incredible true story, Average Joe follows the fight of high school football coach Joe Kennedy to defend expression of religion in the public square. After being fired for praying after each football game, Kennedy embarks on a court battle to protect the Constitutional rights of all Americans to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
The film speaks to the fight of many average Americans to live their faith openly and without fear of discrimination as guaranteed by the Constitution.
Join us on October 8 in celebrating the release of this inspiring film. To register and for more information visit CPAC.org/joe.