Leaving a legacy, securing your future, AND supporting a good cause all at the same time doesn’t have to complicated. And it can give you peace of mind knowing that you have saved your family the time and money involved with not having a plan.
Bequests are a popular way of legacy giving and for good reason. They are easy and flexible with many options as to how and what will be given to charity.
Bequests make it simple to add CPAC to your long-term plans by incorporating the organization into a will or trust either while building a will from scratch or updating an existing will.
There are several types of bequests to choose from including specific, percentage, residual, and contingent bequests, giving you the flexibility to meet your current and future goals.
A specific bequest specifies either an asset like real estate or a car, or the dollar amount of a monetary gift that will go to charity. A percentage bequest leaves an identified percentage of your overall estate to charity. A residual bequest leaves a percentage of the residue of the estate, or the balance of an estate after specific bequests, to charity. Lastly, a contingent bequest is made to charity only if the purpose of the primary bequest cannot be met.
Bequests are typically revocable gifts that can be modified at any time, so you can change your mind. They also come with the benefits of lessening the tax burden on family members and potentially receiving estate tax savings yourself.
Working with an attorney, a bequest to CPAC can be added to a will or trust and you can make CPAC a beneficiary.
Interested in learning more about how to leave a legacy through legacy giving with CPAC? Visit conservative.giftlegacy.com.