Earlier this month, Germany took an unprecedented step in passing legislation that downgrades the possession and acquisition of child pornography from a felony to a misdemeanor. Celebrated by pro-pedophile groups, this proposal would lower the penalties for these egregious offenses to three-month minimum imprisonment for possession and six months for distribution, which drastically undermines the severity of these horrific crimes. This softening stance is not only a betrayal of the victims but a dangerous precedent that can make perpetrators bolder.
Unsurprisingly, California isn’t far behind in this alarming trend. Just last year, progressives in the state took a similar approach when the California Assembly Public Safety Committee blocked a bill that would have classified sex trafficking of minors as a “serious felony.” By refusing to acknowledge the gravity of this crime, these legislators have failed our children, leaving them vulnerable to perpetrators and sending a clear message to the public: these crimes should not be taken seriously. This decision mirrors the dangerous leniency seen in Germany, signaling a troubling shift that could continue to spread if left unchecked.
CPAC won’t simply standby and let these attacks on our children go unabated. Last year, we joined with partners in public safety to call on California to take modern slavery seriously. Shortly after the public was made aware of this travesty, lawmakers in the state quickly reversed course and classified trafficking as the serious crime that it is. The evidence is clear: raising awareness, advocating for stronger legislation, and holding our leaders accountable are imperative in this fight to hold traffickers accountable. Our laws must reflect the severity of crimes against children, ensuring justice and safety for the most vulnerable among us. Let’s stand united against any attempt to diminish the protection of our children, ensuring these dangerous trends are halted in their tracks.