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Harris Faulkner Tells Dem She ‘Didn’t Even Need Google’ To Know Kamala Harris Lied During Debate

Harris Faulker said Kamala Harris’ lies during Tuesday’s debate with former President Donald Trump were so obvious they could be detected with her mem

Join the Fight for Freedom as a CPAC Circle Member

America has reached a turning point in its nearly 250-year history, and patriots everywhere are rallying together to ensure America turns in the direction of freedom.   

CPAC Circle Members are at the forefront of this movement. Circle Members are grassroots patriots who are passionate about freedom. They are fighting for a bright future for our country and are crucial to supporting and promoting the mission of the conservative movement to preserve America and our founding principles.  

Circle Members form a widespread network of patriots who share their time, talent, and resources to advance freedom. In a political climate where conservatives are made to feel isolated, Circle Members feel encouraged by a vast and supportive community.  

They receive unique opportunities to meet with one another at investors summits, join exclusive correspondences with lawmakers and leaders, and are the first to know about CPAC events and updates.  

Join the fight for freedom by joining a circle today at  


America Uncanceled

Hosted by Matt and Mercy

It's Not About Us

Hosted by Elaine Beck

Liberty and Justice

Hosted by Matt Whitaker

The Bill Walton Show

Hosted by Bill Walton

Stream the Movement

The Culture Killers: The Woke Wars

Watch this award winning documentary by CPAC. The woke wars are coming to a neighborhood near you. From major corporations to school boards to social media, free expression is under attack.

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