The country is in desperate need of the strong leadership that President Donald Trump brought to the nation.
Mayor of Riverton, Utah Trent Staggs witnessed his constituent, Josh Holt, suffer imprisonment under false charges in Venezuela in 2016. The Obama-Biden administration let the situation continue and did nothing to help Holt. Enter in President Trump, and suddenly, action was taken, Venezuelan officials were engaged with, and Holt was freed and returned home to the United States.
The country needs that bold and effective leadership again. The Biden administration has run the country into the ground with the weaponization of the federal government against its own citizens, burdensome economic policy, and reckless border policy.
“We need a leader back in the White House who will put America first. Like Josh and his family, everyday Americans are now suffering from a government, not a foreign government but tragically from our own,” said Staggs. “We need leaders who will use the full might and power of our country to defend our citizens.”
Watch Staggs’ full remarks on Rumble @CPAC.