Each year, thousands of conservatives from across the country travel to CPAC to join in the largest gathering of conservatives in the world and hear from the top conservative leaders who built this movement. Amongst the thousands of attendees who attend CPAC conferences each year lies the heart of the future of the conservative movement, students. Every year, hundreds of students get their first glimpse of what it means to be a conservative at CPAC!
Attending my first CPAC as a sophomore in college was the catalyst that inspired me to get involved in growing the conservative movement at my university. I encourage all conservative students and student organizations to consider attending CPAC, February 21-24, in our nation’s capital. CPAC annually hosts the greatest leaders our movement has ever known. From Dr. Ben Carson, to Kari Lake, and even President Donald Trump, each day at CPAC is packed with speeches and panels addressing the issues that we, conservatives, care about most.
CPAC is equipping the next generation of conservative leaders with the tools necessary to Protect America Now, a mission that can only be successful with you, our supporters. Help grow the future of our conservative movement by visiting CPAC.org/donate.
Student tickets are on sale now for $50 at CPAC.org/ticket/student. The best way to build our movement is to get your friends to attend CPAC as well, so tell all your friends to join us! Bring a group of 5 or more students to receive a $10 discount on student tickets! Learn more at CPAC.org/dc/group.
Get your tickets now, and we can’t wait to see you all for the largest gathering of conservatives in the world at CPAC!