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Rep. Walberg to Newsmax: Harris' Policies Cost Michiganders $30K Each

With the presidential election only 18 days away, former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris will be making campaigns stops in Mic

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The Globalist Threat to Sovereignty: Bill Walton, Brandon Weichert, Margaret Byfield, Frank Gaffney

CPAC Vice Chairman Bill Walton, Brandon Weichert, Margaret Byfield, and Frank Gaffney gathered on the CPAC in DC 2024 stage to discuss the globalist strategy to eliminate national sovereignty and the conservative strategy to reclaim sovereignty.  

The World Health Organization and the United Nations are the major culprits behind the spreading of the globalist agenda. The WHO, for their part, is seeking to impose broad and binding pandemic regulations on the United States and multiple nations that violate basic human rights.  

New WHO amendments propose mandated testing, masks, lockdowns, and vaccine passports, just to name a few, with the support of Bill Gates, the European Union, the CCP, and the Biden administration. Even the left-wing Human Rights Watch agrees that these mandates violate basic human rights.  

“Right now, they are currently attempting to pass through the Global Pandemic Treaty which if they can get that through, it will give the World Health Organization a stunning amount of power, completely eradicate our freedoms here in the United States,” said Weichert, author of "Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower". “Even Human Rights Watch, very liberal organization, has said that it is a fundamental imposition upon individual rights, and it serves corporate and elite interests over the rights of the individuals, and If you lose Human Rights Watch on the Left, you’ve pretty much shown how radical you truly are.” 

While the WHO is violating personal freedoms, the United Nations is looking to violate property rights. Together with the Biden administration, the UN is implementing a 30 by 30 program to permanently protect 30% of the world’s land by 2030. The program would forever prevent human use on 30% of American land. Additionally, New Natural Asset Companies that debuted in 2021 as a partnership between Intrinsic Exchange Group and the New York Stock Exchange are working to bring more land, including national parks, wilderness areas, and conservation easements on private lands, under the exclusive control of rich elites. Further, through these Natural Asset Companies, the UN planned to introduce a social credit system based on a person’s environmental footprint. 

“Thankfully, we were able to jump on this and we enlisted the help of Frank and Bill and we got Congress alerted to what was going on and were able to get a number of key delays so that on January 18, the New York Stock Exchange pulled out and pulled their application to do this,” said Byfield, Executive Director of American Stewards for Liberty. “This fight isn’t over. We’re still fighting 30 by 30 and there’s a lot of these other agendas.” 

Byfield drove home the importance of protecting property rights, “Either you have the right to own property or you are property.”

Globalist entities are now waging all out war on basic freedoms that the American constitution is supposed to guarantee. Americans need to fight back.

"[Globalism] will not die of natural causes, ladies and gentlemen," urged Gaffney, Executive Chairman at the Center for Security Policy. "It must be killed, and if it is to be killed, it has to start somewhere. This is the battle where it starts."

Watch Byfield, Weichert, and Gaffney’s full discussion on Rumble @CPAC and make plans to see more great panels live at CPAC in DC 2025 on


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