George Soros is quietly buying companies and influencing governments abroad to spread woke Leftist ideology. For years, Albania remained steadfast against these influences, but has become one of the most recent victims of Soros’ strategy. Washington Examiner columnist Tiana Lowe Doescher explained what’s happening on America Uncanceled.
“Unlike in some of these other Balkan countries, Albania’s been great at not taking Belt and Road initiatives, not cowering to Putin, especially given that location, and so, to see them backslide away from the democratic gains that have been made over those twenty years after communism fell, it’s scary, it’s terrifying. They are a NATO country,” said Lowe Doescher of the importance of telling the story.
Lowe Doescher’s new documentary, How Biden Aided Soros’ Favorite Narco-State explores in great detail Soros’ influence in Albania and how it’s impacting the average people there.
Watch her full conversation on America Uncanceled on CPAC+.